
Hvar String Quartet

About Hvar String Quartet.

O Hvarskom gudačkom kvartetu.

The Hvar String Quartet consists of four musicians who reside on the island of Hvar. Andrew & Tamsin from Dol, Jelena from Stari Grad, and Csillag from Jelsa.
We are available for concerts across the island, and also for functions including weddings, parties and corporate events. We have a large repertoire from classical to jazz and popular music. Please contact us with any enquiries.

Hvarski gudački kvartet čine četiri glazbenika koji žive na otoku Hvaru. Andrew & Tamsin iz Dola, Jelena iz Staroga Grada i Csillag iz Jelse.
Dostupni smo za koncerte diljem otoka, kao i za svadbe, uključujući vjenčanja, zabave i poslovna događanja. Imamo veliki repertoar od klasične muzike do jazza i popularne glazbe. Molimo kontaktirajte nas sa svim upitima.

Tamsin Barrington - violin 1

Tamsin Barrington

Violin (Dol)

Violina (Dol)

Tamsin studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music, Cardiff, and also in Australia. She has freelanced for many orchestras, including: British Sinfonietta, Orchestra West, Ensemble Inspirita, The Bristol Orchestra (leader), Clevedon Chamber Orchestra (leader), Dartington Festival Orchestra and numerous theatre orchestras. In the UK she plays for the The Bristol String Quartet.

Tamsin je studirala na Royal Welsh College of Music u Cardiffu te također u Australiji. Bila je slobodnjak za mnoge orkestre, uključujući: British Sinfonietta, Orchestra West, Ensemble Inspirita, The Bristol Orchestra (voditelj), Clevedon Chamber Orchestra (voditelj), Dartington Festival Orchestra i brojne kazališne orkestre. U Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu svira za Bristolski gudački kvartet.

Andrew Barrington - violin 2

Andrew Barrington

Violin (Dol)

Violina (Dol)

Andrew studied at Trinity College of Music, London, and at the Royal Welsh College of Music, Cardiff. He has played for countless theatre shows, recorded for Europe-wide television adverts, and for bands including Dr Hook. In the UK he is the director of The Bristol String Quartet.

Andrew je studirao na Trinity College of Music u Londonu i na Royal Welsh College of Music u Cardiffu. Svirao je u nebrojenim kazališnim predstavama, snimao za televizijske reklame diljem Europe i za bendove uključujući Dr Hooka. U UK-u je direktor Gudačkog kvarteta Bristol.

Jelena Gracin - viola

Jelena Gracin

Viola (Stari Grad)

Viola (Stari Grad)

Born in Zagreb, Jelena studied viola at the Zagreb Academy of Music. She has played in the National Theatre Orchestra and many chamber orchestras across the country.
Aside from classical repertoire, she also plays traditional music from Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, and plays a 5-string violin.

Rođena u Zagrebu, Jelena je studirala violu na zagrebačkoj Muzičkoj akademiji. Svirala je u orkestru Narodnog kazališta i mnogim komornim orkestrima diljem zemlje.
Osim klasičnog repertoara, svira i tradicionalnu glazbu Bolivije, Perua i Ekvadora te svira violinu s 5 žica.

Csillag Ódor - Cello

Csillag Ódor

Cello (Jelsa)

violončelo (Jelsa)

Csillag was born in Hungary and graduated from the cello faculty at the Bela Bartok Conservatoire in Budapest.
She has performed as a soloist and chamber musician across Hungary, Croatia and Italy. She works in multiple genres from classical to contemporary, improvisatory, popular and folk.

Csillag je rođena u Mađarskoj, a diplomirala je violončelo na Konzervatoriju Bela Bartok u Budimpešti.
Nastupala je kao solistica i komorna glazbenica diljem Mađarske, Hrvatske i Italije. Djeluje u više žanrova od klasične do suvremene, improvizacijske, popularne i folk glazbe.



With our wide experience of playing at weddings, you can be sure that the Hvar String Quartet can provide the perfect accompaniment to your special day, whether that's a church service or a civil ceremony.

With our flexible fee packages we can provide music for every part of your day, from the ceremony to the drinks reception and wedding breakfast. In your ceremony, we can play for the processional, during the signing of the register, and for the recessional. We can also accompany singers and play for your hymns if required.

Prior to your wedding day we offer as much consultation as is necessary, whether it be by email or phone or in person, to ensure that your music is perfect.

S našim bogatim iskustvom sviranja na vjenčanjima, možete biti sigurni da Hvarski gudački kvartet može pružiti savršenu pratnju za vaš poseban dan, bilo da se radi o crkvenoj službi ili civilnoj ceremoniji.

Naši prilagodljivi paketi će osigurati da svaki dio vašeg dana vječanja, od dolaska gostiju, za vrijeme ceremonije, prijema nakon ceremonije i slično bude veseo i besprijekoran. Za crkveno vjenčanje možemo svirati za vrijeme obreda u dogovoru s Vama i Svećenikom. Također, možemo pratiti pjevače i svirati vaše himne ukoliko to želite.

Prije dana vašeg vjenčanja nudimo onoliko savjetovanja koliko je potrebno, bilo putem e-pošte, telefona ili osobno, kako bismo bili sigurni da je vaša glazba savršena.



The Hvar String Quartet can add the finishing touch to any corporate or social event.
We have a wide experience of playing at such occasions as:

Hvarski gudački kvartet može dati završnicu svakom poslovnom ili društvenom događaju.
Imamo bogato iskustvo sviranja u takvim prilikama kao što su:



Charity Fundraising Events

Dobrotvorni događaji prikupljanja sredstava

Christmas Balls

Božićna ili Novogodišnji balovi



Drinks Receptions

Recepcija pića

Garden Parties

Vrtne zabave

Product Launches

Lansiranje proizvoda

Our extensive repertoire can create the perfect backdrop to your event - whatever style you require.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Naš opsežan repertoar može stvoriti savršenu pozadinu za vaš događaj - koji god stil želite.
Kontaktirajte nas kako bismo razgovarali o vašim zahtjevima.

Upcoming Events.

Nadolazeći događaji.

Private events (weddings, parties etc.) are not listed, but if you would like to hear us play, these are the upcoming public events you are very welcome to attend.

Privatni događaji (vjenčanja, zabave itd.) nisu navedeni, ali ako nas želite čuti kako sviramo, ovo su nadolazeći javni događaji na koje ste dobrodošli.

6pm 18h
Jana's Ranch, Dol St. Marije Crkva svetog Mihovila, Dol
€5 donation €5 donacija

Concert in aid of the Donkeys of Dol Koncert za pomoć magarcima u Dolu
9pm 21h
St. Ivan's Square, Jelsa Trg svetog Ivana, Jelsa
FREE zabadava

With Stella Maris Choir Sa zborom Stella Maris
8.30pm 20h30
In front of St. Lovro Church, Vrboska Ispred crkve sv. Lovre, Vrboska
FREE zabadava

With Stella Maris Choir Sa zborom Stella Maris
9.30pm 21h30
Menego Tavern, Hvar Town Konoba Menego, grad Hvar
FREE zabadava

Oliver Dragojević Concert with Stella Maris Choir Koncert Olivera Dragojevića sa zborom Stella Maris
9pm 21h
Cloister of the Dominican Monastery, Stari Grad Klaustar dominikanskog samostana, Stari Grad
€10 €10
8pm 20h
Rotunda, Hvar Rotunda, Hvar
FREE zabadava

Contact Us.

Kontaktirajte nas.

Please contact us by emailing info@thehvarstringquartet.com.

Molimo kontaktirajte nas putem e-pošte info@thehvarstringquartet.com.